Embracing a contemporary reinterpretation of timeless elegance, the Southern Peach Rose Bouquet offers solace with its subtle yet sophisticated presence. Soft pastel hues evoke a sense of tranquility, while delicate peach roses, pristine white lilies, and gentle peach carnations exude a comforting warmth. Amidst this serene arrangement lies a verdant green echeveria succulent, symbolizing enduring strength and resilience. A modern accent to traditional beauty, this bouquet offers a soothing touch, perfect for expressing sympathy and offering solace in moments of remembrance.
• Peach Roses
• White Asiatic Lilies
• Peach Mini Carnations
• White Stock
• Pitta Negra
• Dusty Miller
• Green Echeveria Succulent
• Glass Cube Vase
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